Hi . . it's me Woolbert. Ok . . i am just a bit jealous of him but i suppose it is time you met my chum Tony The Tiger . . aka . . WoolyCat.
Why jealous?
Well Reets homes me out to this rather chilly ole shed and sure i have my wool coat and wool blankie as well but Tony . . he spends every single night in that warm and cozy house. Piles of my wool in every nook, corner and cranny. And he finds each and every mound. Reets says he listens for that "dryer done" buzzer. After which she retrieves her warm and wonderful woolens and spreads them about on the couch ready for folding.
But within seconds . . they are HIS!
He thinks he is so sly. Spoiled thing.
"If I keep one eye closed she'll surely never see me on
her treasured Beauty Berry. heh heh . . " |
"ahhh . . I love to find my wooleys stacked next to the
velvets. What a life!" |
"These are MINE I tell ya . . All MINE! Don't even think about it!" |
"hmmm . this buffet pennyrug just isn't quite big enough."
"I'm thinkin'"
"Maybe with a
little twisteroo
I can stretch it
out a bit aye?"
"That's more like it.
Where there's a
will there's a
WoolyCat way!"
"What's this pile of models doing here on the floor? Must be for me next snuggy nap."
"Ah . I see it's showtime. She's packin up my wooleys and what's that? . . a little snoozing space at the top? I'll take it. Hope she doesn't see me in here 'cause I know the next show is in Portland. I LOVE Portland. Don't you know? . .
Voodoo Donuts is there!"
Ok now . . it's me again, Woolbert . . here to confirm that the following images are actual. You do see that wool in the bottom of that basket don't you? Well so did my bud The Tonester . . Ohhh yah . . Sly as ever aren't ya partner?
"Uhh. . I say now. .It surely looked big enuf. " |
"Woolbert . . I need some help here . . buddy!" |
"I say WOOLBERT . . .
"Hey yah Tone . . I hear ya. I'm out here . . in this freezy frosty SHED!
Wish with all my wooley heart that I could get in there to help you out.
In there in that
But here I am . . way out yonder . . just chillin' . . sorry pal."